Re-Frame: Bodies, performance, cinema

Donnerstag, 6. Juni, 16 Uhr Stand 129, Viktor Adler Markt

Workshop mit Anna Pohl

Es werden neue Wege des Filmemachens erforscht, bei denen keinem Drehbuch oder keiner klassischen Struktur gefolgt wird, sondern auf den eigenen Körper, persönliche Erinnerungen und Fragen konzentriert wird. Der Kern dieses Workshops besteht darin, welche Themen die Teilnehmenden besprechen wollen, die vielleicht Tabus sind? Was macht sie wütend, was macht sie traurig? Wo zensieren sie sich selbst? Wie können sie ihren eigenen Körper nutzen, um alternative Erzählweisen auszudrücken?

Der Workshop findet im Rahmen von Re-Frame: Debut Film Festival Vienna statt.


What are themes you want to talk about, but are maybe not allowed to? What makes you angry, what makes you sad? Where do you censor yourself? How can you use your own body to express alternative narratives? Our aim is to produce artistic works inspired by our immediate urgencies. We will start with a hands-on introduction into performance, acting and politics, while applying strategies of feminist filmmaking, like the concept of the female* gaze (Laura Mulvey, Joey Soloway).

After location scouting, making use of the particular landscape of the city, we will support each other with shooting some performative videos that respond to the circumstances we face as women*, queers and outsiders. This process could take on a collaborative approach.

Requirements: Participants could already come with a question that bothers them and which they would like to explore during the workshop. If participants have a specific camera device they want to use for shooting, they could bring it with them.

Workshop language: English/German.

Free entry, for registrations:

This workshop is part of Re-Frame: Debut Film Festival Vienna

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